Thursday, November 23, 2006

name a star what a bunch of ...

1b. Name a star
Posted by: AR

(please disregard as not eclipse related, and accept
my apology for wasting your bandwidth.)

I just got an email from the universal star council offering me a
deal to name a star for only $39.95.
I hate these people more than department stores selling rickety 60mm
refractors that reach 600 power.

Please get the word out to friends and associates about these crooks.
I always hate it when someone at a public star party wants me to show
them their star, and I don't really like having to tell them they
have been swindled instead of showing them the glory of the night sky.

Nothing burns me more then when I hear the " name a star " on radio. I immediately turn the channel as I can't stand to listen to these shysters. But people still think they will get a "a good deal" by trying something different. We get notes from people all the times to our astro club whether this is a good idea or not. Leagally we can't say much as I have heard that the the NAS legal department will sue. So it is left up to the public to be a little smart and not waste their time. (How many times is this possible? I mean some people elected Bush twice !!!) . Think. Don't waste the money. Bamble gamble in the casinos at least you have a chance. These shysters will put your name on a piece of paper of a star. For $40 what a deal. Doesn't someone have a better way to spend their hard earned money??? For many guess not.

Dr. Eric Flescher (, Olathe, KS:

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