Sunday, February 15, 2009

Encounter Comet Lulin and Internationa Space Station 2/18/2009

Here is of what the sky will look like in the morning of 2/18/2009 showing the locations of (1) Comet Lulin (at about mag 6 need small telescope or binoculars) red spot slightly to the left of center)
(2) ISS (Space Station) mag 0.07 middle- left of Saturn (mag 0.61)
(3) Saturn (mag 0.61) near constellation Leo
Taken with Starry Night Pro
Location from : Kansas City, KS (your view may vary a bit)
Time: around 6:18 Central Time

Galileo's Sunspots

Galileo was the first person to see sunspots while working with his telescope. He discovered more about these "dark" spots and their true nature.
(if not this date go to this link/website and then go to archives link which is on the Spaceweather page lower portion)