Nature puts on its own fireworks type displays in the way of volcanic eruptions and sunsets. I wanted to view the sunset structures of the volcano called Russia's Volcanic Sarychev Peak which erupted- on June 12. I waited taking pictures of the sunset and clouds. Suddenly these whitish plume streaks “popped” out of the bluish tinged western sky above the other clouds (light plumes above the orange clouds). I took this photo of these difficult to see volcanic plumes high above the cloud in the sky on July 1 above Olathe, KS. They are best seen when clouds do not obscure the filtered light to illuminate them. This was test on July 2 when the streaks did not appear even though the skies were clear. The sooty like clouds low in the north and west obscured the sun’s rays. (I did not think the atmospheric soot were from the volcano).
I did not quite see the reported lavender shades of color, spewed volcanic aerosols mixture of ash and sulfur compounds into the air.
Photo taken with my canon rebel xti at f5.6 , ASA 100 , 1/15 second with tamron 28-200mm telephoto.
photos from the earth
a short video and unique view of this volcanic eruption from outer space
simulation of the SWIRLING SULFUR DIOXIDE plumes can be seen at
(if not this date go to this link/website and then go to archives link which is on the Spaceweather page lower portion)
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